Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

Nutrition and Employee Performance: Fuelling Success at Work

A common misconception in nutrition is the idea that energy balance resets every morning. In reality, our body doesn't operate on a strict 24-hour energy cycle. Nutrition and energy should be viewed more holistically. What we eat today can impact our energy levels and performance tomorrow and vice versa. This perspective encourages a more sustainable approach to eating, focusing on consistent, quality nutrition rather than daily caloric targets.

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

The Critical Role of Muscle in Executive Health: Beyond Strength

While building muscle is often associated with aesthetics or strength, its benefits extend far into metabolic health and disease prevention, crucial for busy executives. Here's how Otion's approach to muscle health can transform your executive performance and longevity

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

Unveiling the Link: How Heart Rate Variability Influences Leadership Effectiveness

The connection between HRV and leadership effectiveness is undeniable. By embracing individualised health and performance coaching, leaders can enhance their HRV, leading to improved decision-making, emotional regulation, and resilience. In the demanding world of corporate leadership, this could be the edge that sets a great leader apart from a good one.

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