Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

The ROI of Executive Sleep Coaching

The ROI of executive sleep coaching is evident in the enhanced performance, well-being, and productivity of leaders. By understanding the intricacies of sleep and implementing strategies to improve its quality, executives can unlock their full potential and drive their organisations to greater heights.

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

Female Leaders and Stress: Navigating the Challenges in terms of Health and Performance

In recent years, society has celebrated the rise of female leaders across various sectors, recognising their unique perspectives and capabilities. Yet, even with all the progress made, female leaders often bear the weight of unique stresses—balancing work with societal and personal expectations. As we navigate the intricacies of female health and wellness, it’s evident that there are several misconceptions and pitfalls that women, especially those in leadership positions, need to be aware of.

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

The Sweet Secret to Blunting Insulin Spikes: Dark Chocolate and Apple Cider Vinegar

If you've ever dived into the corporate world of high stakes and performance-driven goals, you would know how pivotal health is to sustaining performance. The boutique corporate health and wellness sector in Australia recognises the unique health challenges faced by professionals. A significant health challenge, often overlooked, is managing insulin spikes, especially after poor sleep and high-stress days. Before we delve into the remedies, let's break down the intricacies of insulin spikes.

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