Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

How to Set Macros in MyFitnessPal: Making Protein a Priority

Setting your macros in MyFitnessPal and making protein a priority offers a science-backed foundation for achieving various fitness goals, from fat loss to muscle gain. But always remember: this is a journey of individual discovery. Consult with a coach, keep monitoring, and keep dialing in until you get it right. The road to optimal health and performance is a constant process of adjustment and learning.

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

About Omega-3 Fats: The Heartbeat of Corporate Wellness

Omega-3 fats, particularly DHA and EPA, are not just buzzwords in the health industry. They are essential components that support our overall well-being, especially in a demanding corporate environment. By understanding their significance and ensuring adequate intake, we can pave the way for a healthier, more resilient workforce.

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

Executive Burnout: Recognising the Warning Signs

Burnout is a pressing issue that requires a proactive approach. By recognising the warning signs, leveraging the power of HRV and sleep quality measurements, and incorporating health and performance coaching, organisations can better support their leaders and ensure their long-term success and well-being.

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