Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

The Role of Nutrition in CEO Performance

For CEOs, peak performance is not just a matter of intellectual prowess or leadership skills—it's also profoundly influenced by physical and mental well-being. The integration of a health and performance coach into the C-suite is a testament to the importance of a holistic approach to executive health. It's a strategic move that can yield dividends in the form of enhanced decision-making, resilience, and ultimately, corporate success.

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

Optimising Training with the Apple Health App: Understanding Your Scores

The Apple Health app is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to optimise their training. By tracking specific health metrics, you can determine if your workout routine is effective or if it's contributing to 'junk volume.' Below, we'll explore where to find these metrics in the app and what scores to aim for.

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Marin Lazic Marin Lazic

Understand the Difference Between GL and GI Food Index

Understanding the difference between GL and GI can empower you to make smarter food choices, which is especially important in a corporate setting where high performance is expected. Awareness of insulin resistance and its causes can help you take proactive steps to improve your health. Incorporating the right amount of dietary fibre into your diet can further assist in managing your blood sugar levels effectively.

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